RAP Isaac-James  For his amazing effort with his phonics and reading.
RHWe Alex-Jacob  For super listening and fantastic effort all week!
1JB Jamie  for having an amazing settled week.
1CBL Logan for impressing Miss Brayne
2SH Moses  For his brilliant, detailed diary entry about the Great Fire of London.
2HW Stanley H for some fantastic writing about The Great of London
3JB Ruby  For her fantastic effort with her reading
3KG Alina  For her enthusiastic attitude towards all her learning
4TCo Eva  Taking on advice and working hard to make improvements in writing to produce a great diary entry
4GH Alexis  For her enthusiasm and resilience with her maths
5TT Layla  fabulous piano playing
5KB Ellie-Grace  For super effort , great listening and making me smile.
6VA Paddy  A great attitude to learning
6NP Cole  Chosen by Mrs Coulter and Miss Burdon for an amazing effort in his interventions this week.
6RG Tillie For impressing Mr Geeson