1JB Hannah for amazing independent Maths work.
1CBL Nancy  for impressing me with her writing this week
2SH Amy  being an amazing role model for her peers and always putting 100% into her work!
2HW Sarah-Mae  always listening and always trying her hardest.
3JB Farrah  for her resilience with her Maths work all week.
3KG Amelia  For her fantastic effort in her English work this week!
4TCo Leo  Pushing himself to be the best he can be
4GH Lily- Rose  For the effort and independence she is showing in her Maths.
5TT Leah For hard work and focus this half term 
5KB Megan Being kind and a good friend. Developing her confidence in Maths.
6VA Riley For her outstanding attitude towards volunteers and learning at the IWM.
6NP Cole  For settling in really well at Unity and 6NP.
6RG Zach For settling in really well at Unity