1JB Lily-May  For being an amazing example for her class of good sitting and putting her hand up.
1CBL Mya  for being a fantastic role to model to her class friends
2SH Isaac  For his brilliant attitude to learning and hard work in English.
2HW Scarlett  For her hard work in Maths
3JB Bradley  For his fantastic improvement in confidence in Maths
3KG Rahand  For his brilliant attitude towards his learning!
4TCo Jessica  For a wonderful start to a new school year and being a role model to others
4GH Alice  For a super start in a new year and at a new school!!
5TT Mia  Super effort in all lessons
5KB Sienna  Super contribution to class discussions and attitude to learning
6VA Jim  Mature attitude to year 6
6NP Madeleine  Fantastic role model to others.
6RG Jayden  For enthusiastic, interesting and intriguing contributions to class discussions.