Unity Academy Blackpool works closely with the Careers and Enterprise company, Career development Institute and Inspira Careers Hub. These are external organisations that support schools to ensure they are following the Careers guidance and access for education and training providers. The following information is an extract taken from this guidance.

“The department expects all schools and colleges to use the internationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks to develop a careers programme that increases opportunities for students to access everything from experiences of the workplace and personal guidance with a careers adviser, to engagement with employers, colleges, training providers and universities. The benchmarks are non-statutory but support schools and colleges by providing a framework around which they can develop their careers programme in line with their legal requirements to provide independent careers guidance to pupils throughout their secondary education (11 to 18-year olds) and students aged up to 25 with an education, health and care plan. The benchmarks also support schools to fulfil their statutory duty to enable access of training providers to showcase to students what technical education and apprenticeships can offer.”

As an education establishment we ensure we use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks as a foundation when planning our Careers Strategy. The effectiveness of our provision is inspected and audited by the Careers and Inspira Careers using the Compass Careers Benchmark Tool. This tool is used by schools and colleges in England to support the analysis and evaluation of careers activity against the eight benchmarks of best practice (known as the Gatsby Benchmarks). The Careers and Enterprise Company coordinate the Audit deadlines. This ensures the development of our careers strategy is ongoing to ensure best practice. Unity Academy Blackpool  is a member of the Lancashire Careers Hub. The benefits of being a Hub Member include additional funding and support. Below is the list of published deadlines from the Careers and Enterprise Company for the completion of audits until the end of 2023.

Compass audit deadlines for 2022-2023
Friday 16th December 2023
Friday 31st March 2023
Friday 14th July 2023



Unity Academy Blackpool careers team meets on a termly basis, order to provide a well-balanced view on the quality of the careers offered to students. The group reviews the evidence collected during the school year and consider the key stakeholders’ experience and engagement with the programme. 
The school Careers’ lead will then combine their own knowledge, evidence and information with that from the stakeholder group and provides a short report with recommendations to SLT.

Stakeholder Feedback – We review stakeholder feedback collected using various methods after activities, events and experiences.
Implementation – We review what was actually delivered against the programme of planned activity and how well it went.
Impact -We measure key performance indicators linked directly to the school’s vision and desired outcomes for our students.
