Business Studies is a key stage 4 subject which students are able to choose as an option. We currently deliver GCSE Business Studies which allows students which choose it the opportunity to explore real life business scenarios. They are able to experience what it is like to start your own small business and they explore and develop the characteristics of an entrepreneur. 


This Subject as a GCSE Option

Subject - Business Studies

Qualification - GCSE

Level - 2

Lessons - 2

Business Studies is totally relevant to everyday living and you will come across ‘real life’ business examples in your daily life. It is an interesting subject that covers different aspects of business such as business start-ups, finance, marketing, production, managing people and business growth. It is a well respected GCSE that employer’s value.

What will I study?

You will be introduced to the world of small businesses and will look at what makes someone a successful business person. You will find out how to develop an idea and spot an opportunity, and turn that into a successful business. You will understand how to make a business effective and manage money. You will also see how the world around us affects small businesses and all the people involved.

Why do this course?

We realise that up until now you have not had the chance to study business. Take the time to read the information below to find out about this interesting and extremely useful subject. You will learn about how the world of business works and its relevance to almost every aspect of modern society.  Amongst other topics, you will learn about planning, finance, marketing and economics. You will be taught the skills needed to be able to build your own business and therefore be your own boss! Not only is this a greatly sought after qualification by both universities and employers, but the knowledge gained will teach you to be smarter in your dealings with business, making and saving you money throughout life.

Where does it lead?

Business opens exciting opportunities to study business-related subjects at BTEC or A level.  The subject can lead to a number of great career choices: as well as being a fascinating subject in its own right. Some common courses to combine with Business include: Law, Accounting, Economics, Journalism, English, ICT and Engineering.

Future career employment opportunities

We live in a corporate world with markets operating around us constantly.  Because of this, business is a universal subject.


Marketing, Accounting, Human Resources, Retailing, Business Management